Made Easier.

Affordable prescription and over-the-counter medications to reduce your budget worries.

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Your single point of contact for everything medication related.


PharMerica provides an array of medication services to more than 3500 communities across the country.

We are the convenient, comprehensive service that your community trusts for on-time, safe, and accurate prescription and over the counter medications.


Accessibility Icon


  • Participation in all known insurance networks with direct billing to the carriers plus a dedicated billing team to help with prior authorizations and approvals
  • Daily medication delivery and monthly automatic refills
  • OTC Preferred Formulary program with over 100 commonly used items



Support Icon

24/7 Pharmacy
& Technical Support

  • The PharMerica Service Center is available 24/7/365 for insurance and billing questions. We proactively call prescribers for refills, assist with prior authorizations, and serve as a single point of contact to answer any medication-related inquiries.
  • Online bill pay through the PharMerica Payment Portal allows members to make one-time payments, or set up reccurring payments by logging into their account.



Safety Icon

Safety & Accuracy

  • All prescription and over-the-counter medications are reviewed and cross-checked by our pharmacists for drug interactions and allergies.
  • Clear, easy-to-read labels and specialized packaging for individualized dosage.



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MyPharMerica Residents Portal

Through our secure, online portal, patients and trusted family members can view monthly billing statements, medication history, insurance information and set up recurring payments.

Enroll Now via Secure Form

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PharMerica has partnered with eHealth, an insurance matchmaker, to help our clients find the Medicare Plan that works best for them. You can reach an eHealth representative at our dedicated toll free-number or web site for a FREE, no-obligation consultation.

888-617-2340 (TTY 711)

Visit eHealth


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