Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About Billing

Q: When can I expect my first bill from PharMerica?
A: You can expect to receive an invoice within 6 weeks after receiving your first medications. Invoices are sent on the 6th of the month after the month in which you receive medications.

Q: How can I pay my first bill?
A: You can pay your bill by phone or online at

Q: Where should I send my billing inquiries?
A: If you have a question about your bill, please contact us via the Contact Us form.

Q: How do I know if you have the right insurance for processing my bill?
A: If you have a question about insurance coverage, please reach out to us via the Contact Us form.

Q: Why is my bill different than before?
A: There are many reasons why your billing could have changed when you switched to PharMerica pharmacy. Please reach out via the Contact Us form to ask any questions about those changes.

Questions about my Account

Q: What do I need from my first bill to activate my account on MyPharMerica?
A: You need your Member ID that will be on the first bill and your Social Security Number. Find more information about the account activation process on the Resident Enrollment information page.

Q: What information can I find by registering on MyPharMerica?
A: Through our secure, online portal, residents and trusted family members can view monthly billing statements, medication history, insurance information and set up recurring payments.

Q: How long does my password have to be for the MyPharMerica portal?
A: It must have a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 16 characters, containing 3 out of 4 of the following: Lowercase characters, Uppercase characters, Digits (0-9), and one or more of the following special characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * – _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ‘ , ? / ` ~ ” ( ) ; .

General Questions about MyPharMerica

Q: How will I know that the pharmacy has received my medication transfer?
A: Please work with your community’s team or reach out to us via the Contact Us form.

Q: Why should I fill my prescriptions with a long-term care pharmacy?
A: Long-term care pharmacies are better equipped to handle the detailed prescription regimens of a complex aging population. They achieve this with multiple safety checks and best-in-class medication training, as well as an OTC formulary with over 100 commonly used items, all cross-checked for allergies and interactions.

For more information on how PharMerica provides superior long term care pharmacy services, please visit the Resident Enrollment information page.